A root canal is a dental practice that eradicates decay from the pulp and root of your tooth. Your teeth have a hard inner core that grows into the root in your jawbone, a second layer of dentin on top, and an outer layer of enamel. In the core is the dental pulp, which consists of nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue.
The pulp may become inflamed, infected, necrotic (dead), or even necrotic (dead) when deterioration penetrates the softcore. To remove the deterioration, a root canal is required.
How do you decide if you require root canal therapy in Edmonton? Are there any clear signs? Continue reading to learn more about the indications that you might need a root canal.
Root Canal Symptoms
1. Persistent Pain
One of the warning signs that you could need a root canal is continuous tooth discomfort. Your toothache may be a continuous source of discomfort for you, or it may come and go but always come back. Root canals are not the best possible cause of tooth pain. Further options include:
- Gum illness
- An impacted tooth may be infected, a cavity, transferred pain from a sinus disease or other issue, or a damaged filling.
If you encounter tooth pain, it’s a good idea to see our dentist, especially if the discomfort is severe, regardless of where it may come from.
2. Sensitivity to Heat and Cold
When you ingest warm food or coffee, does it hurt your teeth? Alternatively, consuming ice cream or an icy cold drink makes your teeth feel sensitive. A throbbing ache or dull despair may be sensed as sensitivity. If this pain lasts for a long time, you may need a root canal.
If your tooth hurts when you drink hot or cold liquids, it may signal that the blood vessels and nerves inside your teeth are infected or injured.
3. Tooth Discoloration
If the pulp of your tooth becomes infected, your tooth may become discoloured. Due to trauma or internal tissue collapse, the tooth’s roots may sustain damage and appear grayish-black. This discoloration is more likely to be on a front tooth.
When there is insufficient blood supply, tooth pulps can die, indicating a potential need for a root canal. Even though there are many reasons why teeth can become discoloured, it’s still necessary to visit our dentist near you if you find that the colour of a tooth is altering.
4. Swollen Gums
The swelling near the sore tooth may mean a root canal treatment near you is essential. There may be changes in the edema. When you touch it, you might sense some tenderness, or you might not. The dead pulp tissues’ acidic waste products cause swelling, which can result in edema past the root tip region.
You might also have a tiny pimple on your gums. This is also known as a parulis, gum boil, or abscess. The tooth infection could make the zit ooze pus. This could leave you with a horrible aftertaste and bad breath.
5. Pain When You Eat or Touch the Tooth
If a tooth hurts to the touch or when food is consumed, it may be required to treat serious tooth decay or nerve injury with a root canal. This is particularly true if the acuity persists for a long time and does not disappear when you stop consuming.
An infected tooth’s surrounding ligament may become hypersensitive due to the dying pulp. The waste from the decomposing pulp may aggravate the ligament, resulting in pain from biting forces.
Come into Albany Dental
If you exhibit any symptoms indicating a root canal is necessary, contact us immediately.
The only way to know if you require root canal therapy is to visit our dentist and have a professional examine you. Don’t endanger your health and teeth; make an appointment for a dental checkup immediately!